Tescoma ham maker

Tescoma ham maker
Being a great fan of new cooking devices I simply had to test how this strange device works?
The device is produced in Czech Republic and there is a distributor in Spain. My order was delivered in 2 days and cost me only 30 Euros. In general the device is not complicated; it consists of only a plastic container and a lid with spring. On the contrary thermometer is a complicated mechanism.
To cook my first ham I took 5 chicken thighs, removed the meat together with the skin and grind it all in KitchenAid to get kind of minced meat but with pieces of meat remained.
Chicken thighs – 1085 gr
Salt – 18 gr
Ground pepper – 2 gr
Smoked pepper – 1 gr
Sugar – 4 gr
Garlic – 2 cloves
Water – 100 gr
I kneaded the mixture thoroughly with KitchenAid device and put it into the fridge to soak for 8 hours.
Later, I stuffed the ham maker with the paste and put it back to the fridge for another 24 hours. This time the lid was closed which meant the high pressure over the product.
Next day the device was placed into a saucepan filled up with water.
The most important trick in the whole cooking process is to maintain the water temperature between 75 – 85 C. This note is actually indicated by red color on the thermometer. Using gas stove I can hardly reach the goal that’s why I prefer induction cooker which is very helpful due to its variety of adjustments.
The whole cooking process took 2 hours. When it was finished, I drained the liquid through the upper holes of the ham maker, and put the product back to the fridge till the morning. Then it’s ready!
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