Meat & poultry sausage

Meat & poultry sausage

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The experiment performed was full of courage and risks and it is sure to become a history of Mediterranean coast of Spain. Actually it was done in Spain by a crazy self-trained chef.
The mincemeat for this unique sausage was prepared out of 4 types of meat:
Turkey – 580 gr
Chicken – 900 gr
Beef – 660 gr
Pork belly pancetta – 400 gr
Pork shoulder – 650 gr
The meat was salted in a standard way:
Salt – 2%
CUR 1 – 0,25%
Grounded in mincing machine with 8 mm discs.
Black pepper – 0,5%
Granulated garlic -0,5%
Sugar – 0,9%
Sweet red pepper – 0,12%
Jalapeno pepper – 0,12%
Chili pepper – 1 gr
Juniper berries – 7 units
All the spices were poured with 50 gr of Jerez and later infusing for about 1 hour.
Also water was added to the mincemeat – 180 gr
First the mincemeat was well-kneaded and then placed into the fridge for a night so that it could mature. After that it was tamped into a collagen casing of 45 mm.
The smoking can be performed on any fruit-tree sawdust.
Hot smoking over temperature limits from 40C to 90C till the temperature inside the product is 68C. Later the meat should be cooled down.
Alternative method – cold smoking during 24 hours.
Part of sausage which had not been smoked before, was placed in camera for curing. Weight loss 32-38%.
The sausage turned out to be balanced in taste, with lots of bright and rich flavors. The exterior and interior side of the sausage is outstanding; the texture is quite dense and at the same time the poultry meat makes it a little creamy and tender. I would highly recommend this dish for cooking.

(Visited 1,743 times, 1 visits today)
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  • А можно поподробнее про температуру горячего копчения? А то, чесно говоря, как то странно - "от 40 до 90 градусов" - неслабый такой разброс...
    • Горячее копчение производится при постепенном поднятии температуры от 40 до 90 С до достижении 68С внутри продукта.
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